玄界小说网 > 其他小说 > 无限爆炸EXO > First(初遇)


    Here we go

    Danger 如此危险

    幽暗之中 光芒渐起




    安心埋头 只需跟随





    Light Light Light Light Light Woo Oh Woo Oh

    Light Light Light Light Lightsaber

    Light Light Light Light Light Woo Oh Woo Oh

    Lightsaber Lightsaber

    当你化若星辰闪耀 照亮黑暗








    前来此地的我 savior

    黑暗洪荒之中 我必为你成为光芒

    A life saver, Lightsaber

    Light Light Light Light Light Woo Oh Woo Oh

    Light Light Light Light Lightsaber

    Light Light Light Light Light Woo Oh Woo Oh

    Light Light Light Light Lightsaber X 5







    向往 遥远光芒灿烈之地





    前来此地的我 savior

    黑暗洪荒之中 必会握紧你的手

    A life saver, Lightsaber Lightsaber Lightsaber Lightsaber

    Lightsaber (Drop)

    Oh Lightsaber oh

    Light Light Light Light Light Woo Oh Woo Oh

    Light Light Light Light Lightsaber

    Light Light Light Light Light Woo Oh Woo Oh

    Light Light Light Light Lightsaber





    Here we go

    Danger 如此危险

    幽暗之中 光芒渐起




    安心埋头 只需跟随





    Light Light Light Light Light Woo Oh Woo Oh

    Light Light Light Light Lightsaber

    Light Light Light Light Light Woo Oh Woo Oh

    Lightsaber Lightsaber

    当你化若星辰闪耀 照亮黑暗








    前来此地的我 savior

    黑暗洪荒之中 我必为你成为光芒

    A life saver, Lightsaber

    Light Light Light Light Light Woo Oh Woo Oh

    Light Light Light Light Lightsaber

    Light Light Light Light Light Woo Oh Woo Oh

    Light Light Light Light Lightsaber X 5



    I'm sorry for me buggin' you 很抱歉我对你如此迷恋

    sorry for being such a fool 很抱歉我像个傻子一样

    God knows I've tried but I can't let go 我努力的想放弃却做不到

    I'm crazy 'bout you know who 因为你是如此的令我着迷

    I'm sorry for me needing you 很抱歉我如此的需要你

    sorry girl that you don't feel it too 但你并没有相同的感受

    I get the point, should be a man about it 我知道应该怎么做

    I've never been good at that - no no 但是我却做不到

    forgive me for being me 原谅我如此执着

    I've tried to let go 我已试着再让自己解脱


    I know you got a boyfriend - another man 知道你以心有所属

    another guy by your side 他陪伴在你身旁

    someone who hopefully treats you right 给你真心宠爱

    but you don't know how much I wish that I was 但是你不知道我愿,我是多少

    your boyfriend - that other guy 但你可知我有多想成为你的挚爱

    the only one who's allowed 唯一的谁有允许

    in your room to lay in your arms at night 再夜里与你相依偎

    now you don't know how much I wish that I was your boyfriend 你不知道我有多想成为你的挚爱

    I'm sorry for me wanting you 很抱歉我对你的渴望

    sorry for not playing by the rules 很抱歉我违反了游戏规则

    but what would you do if you were in my shoes 但如果你是我你将会怎么作

    feeling lost and blue Mnn 感到无尽的失落与沮丧

    I'm sorry for me lovin' you 很抱歉我是如此的爱你

    sorry for being such a fool 很抱歉我像个傻子一样

    God knows I've tried but I can't let go 我努力的想放弃却做不到

    I'm crazy 'bout you know who 因为你是如此的令我着迷


    another man is by your side 你已心有所属

    I hope he treats you right 希望他真心待你

    I wish I was the only one 我愿我是唯一的一个

    to lay in your arms at night 多盼望我是那个可以与你相守的男人

    well you can't blame a guy for tryin' 别责怪我的天真

    now what else can I do 我不知道此刻还能做些什么

    and how I wish that my prayers, thoughts and dreams 多希望我的祈祷、梦想

    would become reality 能够成真
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